Apr 20, 2005 09:25
Bible study for soccer last night:
Have you ever wanted to 'get even' with someone who was mean to you? Probably so. Many times, the first thing we want to do is revenge or 'settle the score.' Sometimes it is hard to forgive people who are mean. It is even harder when they are not sorry they hurt us. We don't need to 'repay anyone evil for evil.' Make a decision not to 'get even' with someone who has wronged you.
Forgiveness is an attitude and an action. That is why forgiveness should be part of who we are. An attitude of forgiveness is showing your kind feelings. How you feel on the inside will show on your face. You can let others know that you have forgiven someone by having a good attitude. Another way to show forgiveness is through your actions. A way to show kind actions is to speak kind words, give a gift, or write an encouraging letter.
'Do what is right in the eyes of everybody.' When your friends see that you are willing to forgive others, they may choose to follow your example. The person who hurt you may also change and ask for forgiveness. Forgiving people who are mean to you is the right thing to do. When you do not feel like forgiving someone, ask God to help you. If you have prayed and asked Jesus to forgive you, you will want to pass your forgiveness on to others.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody
-Romans 12:17