Oct 07, 2006 09:13
yeah so i'm not as quick to update as i used to be... been rather busy actually... lets see here... updates, updates :
- i've gained 30lbs since the beginning of the year - the summer season is what did it - fucking ice cream truck and lazy days (too many to count) - been on a diet and exercise program (nothing major, treadmill, exercise bike and aerobics)... lost a FEW pounds but i'm just not happy right now w/ the way i look - thank GOODNESS i didn't get rid of my "fat clothes" when i originally lost all my weight!!!! .....the little things
- change in companies i work for -> well, w/ that came a change in insurance companies for me and with that came a real long battle w/ the insurance company to cover my current medication... independent health wouldn't cover it so it was $160 out of pocket EVERY FUCKING MONTH (yeah, for a 30-day supply). supposedly Univera (the new insurance company i have) WAS supposed to cover it. when i went to get "prior authorization" for my medication, they said because i hadn't tried taking 2 pills a day of a medication i had previously taken (and by the way did NOT work) that they wouldn't cover me. i went to my doctor, discussed my options and he placed me back on the other medication, 2 pills a day for 4 days to see if it would work. by the 3rd day i was in pain so that's a big N*O... i'm back on the medication that has been working since last year (YAY!) and hopefully now the insurance company WILL cover it because that $160/mo really sucks...
- i've had 2 aunts pass away
- the house hunt is on a slight delay - still want to GET a house, just no time to LOOK for a house... the weekends are busy, the weekdays are busier and i have a friend coming in from out of town in a few weeks so it's been cleaning central when i'm not sleeping or *TRYING* to relax (i'm not a machine and can't go 24/7 - although i feel like i am going 24/7 right now - i think i've had about 2 hrs of sleep and i'm fucking WIDE AWAKE!)
- new schedule came out at work and the schedule i was supposed to get was changed w/o my knowledge or the knowledge of any supervisor, manager or person in human resources which is rather interesting. see we get to "bid" on a shift. the shift i bidded on was 8:00pm to 6:30am... when we found out what shift we were getting magically the shift was 8:30pm to 7:00am... big deal you say? FUCK YEAH!! i promised my mom help and if i have to run home after work, get changed, freshen up and then go help her at a craftshow by 8 - i would LOVE to have that extra 1/2 hr!!! ESPECIALLY in the winter!!!!!!!!! i told my supervisor this and told him had i known that the shift was going to change, i would not have bid on it in the first fucking place and i demand a rebid because that wasn't fair... that's where my boyfriend comes into play - he told human resources about it and then we found out the call center director even had no fucking clue that happened... now it's all up in the air WHAT our times are going to be and believe me, if they stay the way they are, i'm throwing a HUGE stink and contacting the labor board :-P
- my neighbors are stupid - my neighbor across the hall - yeah, her license plate? BOOBEE ...yeah HUH... like FER SURE.... is she blonde? yup.... bombshell? i wouldn't go THAT far... it's 9:30am and all i hear is MREOW MREOW MREOW (cat fight - her and some gay guy going at it)... how can i tell the guy was gay? "oh my GOD you BITCH, you broke my NAIL!! i JUST had them done too" yeah, that was him... it wasn't a deep masculine booming voice either... and from the look of it (seeing as they JUST left) - i guessed correctly (no offense to the gay community, you just dress either WAY too fucking nice or WAY too feminite) - this guy? FEMMIE.... should just wear a target on your ass... (sorry, i'm punchy, i'm not normally rude - been a rough month)
well, i'm off to the bank - might as well go seeing as i'm up *grumble*