Mar 09, 2007 11:02

Dan and I are in a bid to get healthy. Neither of us like the gym but walk often, but even though we have a balanced diet there is always room for improvement.

My hypothyroidis coupled with my age (43+) means I tend to struggle with my weight and don't lose it easily. If I am active like mad my metabolism speeds up sufficiently well for me to eat plenty and not gain weight, but on normal days I have to watch what I eat. I only have to look at a cake and I pile on the pounds.

Dan is about 28 lbs overweight and was at least 14lbs more when I first met him, so he's done well to lose weight and maintain his new weight despite his giving up smoking last September.

I have always enjoyed eating healthily although I admit to enjoying fish and chips, pie and mash occasionally, as well as Chinese or Indian meals out once a week.

Just lately though, Dan is keen to lose more weight (it's all on his tummy) and we both want to look drop dead gorgeous in our wedding clothes next year. So I have been sending Dan to work with a little tub of organic muesli and a plastic bottle containing organic semi-skimmed milk or soy milk, which he eats for breakfast around 9-10am - he starts work early, at 7am - organic fruit, a sandwich of organic wholemeal bread filled with organic cheese or organic free range egg or maybe some ham, and a flask of home-made organic vegetable soup (although today he's having homemade mulligatawny soup). Organic everything.

And he's pleasantly surprised that what I give him is filling (just as I told him it would be) and he's not hungry at all. And he's lost a few more pounds. Now I need to follow suit . . .

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