Okay... from y-day...

Aug 10, 2007 16:41

This post. It's going under a cut.

Please remember one basic rule: NONE of this will accumulate very fast. I have gotten payment from a couple, but it's not very quick, and it might seem frustrating. Also; just FYI, having a throwaway email account that's just for these things? Not a bad idea. It keeps your other email accounts free of most of the spam.

Alright so, first up. Reading emails. I have four. All four have sign up bonuses, of various sizes.

InboxDollars. There is only one email a day. You click the link to their site, then click the link that states 'Click here to confirm reading this email.' That's it. It isn't very fast though, and only pays out if your balance is $30 or higher. Still, lazy way to make some money.

SendEarnings. The exact same as InboxDollars. Except they pay out at $40 not $30.

Side note: On these two, you can earn $1 a day taking surveys. I generally open the ad, then click the confirm link to open in another tab, and then go take the survey. It works out really well, at least for me.

Hits4Pay. This one has the largest sign up bonus of all. $10. They pay out at $25. It's an automatic payout. Once your account reaches $25, they send you a check. The others you have to ask to be paid. Multiple emails a day, and some have sound. Annoying, but not all that bad. Again, open in new tab, leave it be until the top says "You've been credited!" and then close the tab.

DealsnCash. Hits4Pay's clone. Their sign up bonus is only $5, but they've sent me more emails than Hits4Pay to date, so the money accumulates a bit faster. Works the same way as Hits, so not that hard at all. This one, you might have to sign up more than once for. If you don't get an email about 'approval' or 'click here to confirm' with 24 hours, go back and sign up again.'

Wow Earnings*





Now on to surveys:

Lightspeed Panel -- No sign up bonuses, but very easy to earn points and a large selection of prizes/gift certificates. Surveys are usually point and click and usually good for minor amusement.

mysurvey.com -- No link. If you want a referral to this one, please leave your email addy and I will send the link to you through their referral program. (Yes that means I'm greedy, but hey.) Again, easy point gathering, and point and click survey taking. Their $25 gift certificate paid for HP for me this summer.

globaltestmarket.com -- Again, email for referral. However, this one I really like. The surveys are semi-interesting, and the payout is $0.05 per point, with a minimum of 1000 points ($50) for pay. I've been paid by them twice. Not bad eh?

globalopinionpanels.com/Synovate -- another email for referral. They aren't as nice as the others and just started their points program, but they do tend to send a lot of surveys. And you always get points whether you qualify or not. Same with GTM.

AW Surveys.Com*



All of the ones marked with an asterisk are good outside of the US/Canada! XD

Alright, those are my big ones. The ones I use. There are more (and the community poor_skills has tonnes). If you want referrals for the survey sites, I'm screening comments. Also feel free to ask any questions.
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