The unoffical you may act like an arse hat post.

Oct 25, 2007 16:43

You won't hurt my feelings any and I don't care just say it with cats.

Least we never forget

Credit Bast and Raptor Jesus for through them all things are possible. Really no one cares who made it or shot it. Macros aren't masterpieces and most won't stand the test of time for use. If its not reusable to another comment reply then its not a macro. While some are geared for niche communities most have little repost value. In other words Win! means nothing without reuse.

Is anyone else having problems with comments not being emailed to you? LJ to hotmail is the parameter.*Edit* it appears its a hotmail and lj thing. Thanks for the comments and help

butthurt, bring it, fail, no want

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