I love Christmas cards. I love everything about them - finding the perfect outfit for the picture, setting up the photo shoot to get just the right picture (or two or three, which may not be so easy with two boys in the photos this year, ha!), and searching through endless designs among the most popular photo hosting websites, trying to find the one with just the right color combination to match both my photo subjects and my picky taste. Well, this year I didn't have to go searching for the card designs, the designs came to me. A friend of mine (Heather!) pointed me to the link of Shutterfly's new photo card designs (which can be found here:
www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery) and OH MY GOODNESS I am in love. So many great designs to choose from! I don't care for the boring old traditional holiday designs - I like COLOR and contemporary artsy styles and Shutterfly hit the mark this year. Yes, I am getting 50 free cards for blogging about this, but I wouldn't do it unless I really liked the products and thought you all would too. :) So, here we go. Just a few of my top contenders...
I'm not sure I'll have this many pictures, but I like the design - very elegant.
This one would actually go perfect with the pj's Gavin will be wearing (yes, I'm pretty sure the boys will be wearing pj's for our card this year!). His shirt says "Dear Santa, DEFINE GOOD" LOL!! Unfortunately my picture will be in color, so it might look a little too busy.
Love the colors here:
This one really catches my attention every time I see it. It would depend on what picture I use though, whether or not you could read the writing at the bottom...
I could post at least 10 more designs that I like, but I'll spare you. Just get over to their website and check them out for yourselves!