School Starting and THE JOB

Sep 17, 2012 13:35

So it's been a heck of a summer kids. I turned 26 which meant suddenly I wasn't covered by my parents health insurance and that theoretically I'm an adult who can afford her own darn health costs. Which would be true if I didn't have Crohn's and therefore was denied coverage by the insurance offered at school-which is the only ones I could have afforded. So I'm stuck relying on my parents to cover me via COBRA (which is the most badass name for $500 a month so I can pay for my otherwise $900 a month meds), which makes me feel like ABSOLUTE SHIT.
So I've been trying convince work to make me assistant manager, which they wont do until I'm done with school. So after this semester (which I'll get to in a bit) I'm going to take a leave of absense from school so I can become the assistant manager and have health insurance. Frankly I'd feel better about this whole sistuation if I'd been assured the possition, but they keep fapping about about it. I mean I'd be great at the job, the customers already think I run the place. I just suck at the bullshit toadying with management. For instance, a lovely movie called Hysteria is coming out on Tuesday. It's about the invention of the electric vibrator, but it's also about how utterly frakked up women's sexuality was and is considered. Hysteria was a bullshit umbrella term for any woman who did not adhere to what men and victorian society thought proper, which included but not limited too, anger, sexual fantasies, sadness, and dissatisfaction with their lives. For extreme cases women were institutionalized and had their uteruses removed. For milder cases doctors would manually stimulate their labia and clitoris (although goddess know's those idiots had no idea what a clitoris is nor where it was) until they had a "paroxism" that is an orgasm. It was all very ridiculous and offensive when you think of it, but the MOVIE handled it with great humor and affection. You never see any nudity, because it's Victorian England and the doctors didn't even see their patients bodies while performing their "treatment", there's no swearing or even any sexual languages at all. But because it's about women's sexuality, about orgasms and how we have been trained to be ASHAMED of our bodies, the MPAA gave it an R rating. Which pretty much garuantees it wont get seen by many people. Rating it R for sexuality tells people it's like the "American Pie" movies, with it's raunchy dialogue and nudity. It's saying it's on par with movies like "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" which shows a graphic rape scene. That's right, a movie about female orgasms without any actual sex depicted, nor any nudity, are just the same as movies with Graphic Rape scenes. 
I wish I'd watched it as a teenager, that I could show it to any girl or boy around puberty, because frankly we don't learn about female orgasms. Period, and it's frakked up. Society at large still act like it's taboo, that it's unclean. It's the perfect example of how outdated and ridiculous the rating board has become. Which was my point when I came all fiesty and ready to have an actual conversation about the movie with my coworkers. Except my boss got all flustered and was all "They rated it that for a reason, Betsy." Shut down because I was saying the word "orgasm", which isn't a bloody bad word!
You know my indomitable hope in the world getting better may have hosed me, since if I'd thought ahead about this all, I'd have just found a place to live this summer, taken a leave of absence for fall instead of spring so I could be working full time and be the assistant manager right now. Oh well.
School's started and I absolutely love my two classes, which I would have missed out on if I hadn't taken classes this fall. I've already finished reading one of my books, Out of the Flames, which was amazing. It's about this man, Michael Servetus, who is burned at the stake by John Calvin, for being smarter than him and a better theologian. The man discovered the circulatory systm, and was an absolute punkass about how much smarter he was than everyone and couldn't help rubbing it in Calvin's face. Of course I adore him. My other class is on art and I am really excited because I've always loved art but have never taken a class on it.

school, work, movies

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