NaNo 2011! It's here! And I'm NOT READY!
I did more or less all my planning last night before I got off to my usual midnight start, and what passes for a plot is patchy and doesn't make sense, but I've just decided to run with it and see what my characters decide to do. At least I know them pretty well, since this year's novel is a sequel to last year's, and I've written a few stories with them since then. This year's novel was actually born out of
this story, because it got too big for a short story and it gave me ideas (and, yes, I couldn't think of anything else).
Real life is busy this November, what with having just started my MSc, so I'm going to do my best not to be too competitive and not to put myself under too much pressure. I'll just stick to the word count and not compete with people and... yeah. Sure.
Day 1: Evil Unicorns
"Ros and Ellie are coming along," said Tim. "I thought it was best if you three dealt with the head banshee. They... uh, well, they don't like men very much."
"Like unicorns?" I said.
"Oh, God no," Tim said, pulling a face. "Unicorns are evil creatures, plain and simple. But they're equal opportunity haters."
"Good to know," I said.
It said a lot about the time I'd spent in the magical world that I'd come to expect that just about anything I'd encountered in a children's book was bound to turn out to be evil or generally nasty and unpleasant in some way.