Writer's Block: Half a Glass

Feb 10, 2009 07:28

Ok I normally think these writers' block (or writer's block) things are a bit stoopid. But this one is not so bad, and I feel like a bit of a drone today, so let's drone.


I generally see myself as optimistic.

It's not that often I have a sense of dread as I open up the cat food and marvel at the sharp edge's proximity to a major blood vessel. When I wander down the street I don't generally count the ways I could die horribly on the way to the shops. I rarely look suspiciously at walls as I pass to gauge their likelihood of collapsing on me. It's a remote probability that I get my knickers in a twist if I come across a youth cleaning his nails with a hunting knife at the bus stop. When people come to the door with balaclavas and machetes I very seldom get the quivering shakes. If a car collides with the house and puts me in hospital with multiple injuries I think I would be hard pressed to find fault with my day.

I always like to use the adage "don't sweat the small stuff".

I think all in all I am fairly optimistic.


This always happens to me.

After hunting under the sofa, in the bed, in all pockets of laundry, under the house, in the car, under the car, under the bed, in the washing machine and inside the dryer I have just enough money for a packet of smokes.  I count the money three times in three different numerical bases and backwards for luck.  Then I go to the shops , after carefully placing the money in a jar and labeling the jar (so I remember what I went down for).  The smokes cost $8.00.  The amount I have is $8.00.

The amount I pour out the jar in a massive pile whilst the checkout babe glares at me is $7.95.

This always happens to me.

I think all in all I am a pessimist.


What goes up must come down.  What goes in must come out.  What shakes it all about must shake it all about.  What does the Hokey Cokey and turns it all about must do the Hokey Cokey and turn it all about.

That's what it's all about.

I think all in all I am a realist.

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