Dem bones.

Mar 04, 2008 17:03

Is it wrong to want to have a portable fan while I sit here outside under the veranda? I want to smoke and do internetty things simultaneously. Smoking not allowed inside, and anyway it’s still cooler out. I’ll ponder that, the neighbours already think I am mental so I guess there’s not much stopping me. Except I think I will probably just take off my t-shirt and frighten the passing pedestrians.

Dad’s getting a hip replacement just before Easter. Not the entire hip, just one side. The surgeon explained that he would also make his right leg the correct length since it has been 2 inches shorter for most of his life.

You see he had TB as a child, of the leg, and they extracted fluid from his hip joint. Bad move since it accelerated arthritis in that side of his joint. It resembles a golf ball on the x-ray, whereas the other side is smooth with normal age related arthritis.

What they do is open up the side of his hip and move all the stuff that’s in the way out of the way. Then they use a power saw to cut the top off the ball joint, which sounds like fun. But the best part is hammering a titanium pin into the top of the leg bone, then bunging a ceramic hemisphere on top.

Apparently the surgeon enjoys the pin bit, because it is cathartic in the amount of force needed to drive the pin home.

Then they reattach everything that is lying around unattached, so to speak, making sure they remove any dropped contact lenses or scalpel from the wound. A little bit of creative needlework to stitch things up, then it’s good as new. Guaranteed for 20 years.

Let’s hope it all goes smoothly.

Peace all.
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