Leah's Due Today!

Jan 18, 2009 10:58

I didn't sleep very well last night- physically uncomfortable, but I also kept worrying about whether Leah was moving or not (she's been a bit quieter lately- poor little bug is running out of room!), so this morning when I *finally* decided to get up to have some sugar- uhh, breakfast- to get her moving, I got some pretty intense back pain the *second* I stood up, out of bed.  That turned into some lower abdomen cramping, as well.  Manageable, but certainly uncomfortable.  Since then, the general crampy feeling has not really passed, and I've had two *loose* bm's (sorry, tmi.)  Oh, and the apple turnovers that I had for breakfast got Leah to dance around in there for a while, so all seems good in that department, also (crazy, psycho pregnant brain at the very end of pregnant, grr.)  I'm hoping this doesn't let up!  Maybe this is the onset of early labour?  Eek, I'm trying not to get overly excited and just lay low and see what happens.  Marcin is about to leave for work, shortly, but of course he can leave there as soon as I need him to, so he's very much "on call" for the day.

I hope this is it!

40w today- Leah's due date.
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