Dec 30, 2008 09:01
Marcin didn't come straight home from work yesterday. Instead, he went out and BOUGHT A CAR?!!! Part of me would have liked to know about this BEFORE he showed up at home with it, but the other part of me thinks it's kind of cute that he was so nervous about "when the baby comes!" and the fact that we didn't know HOW we'd get home from the hospital-kind-of-thing. I mean, afterall, babies are not always born in the evening or week-end when his DAD could come and pick us up! Anyways, it's an older, used car but apparently in decent enough shape (I haven't really had a good look at it, yet, to be honest since he got home after-dark) and he got a good enough deal on it. Tonight he's going to go try and register it / do the emissions test / get plates... that sort of thing. And then it needs a good inner/outer cleaning AND of course... we need to correctly install our car seat! We won't be using it for day-to-day things- mostly just baby-related things (appointments, visiting relatives when it's too cold out for the bus/stroller, etc.) or grocery shopping (so that we can go to a BETTER No Frills than the one up the street which is kinda gross- AND so that we don't have to spend cab money!) I'm actually a bit excited about it.
Marcin used to be "not so good" with money management (in my opinion- and in reality he wasn't terrible at it), BUT since we got pregnant, he's gotten much better at it- his reasoning is always baby-centred and I know that he wants what is genuinely in the best interest of our little girl. He's so cute- I think I'll keep him!
Anywho, today Ashley's coming over and we're supposed to hang out and then in the evening I'm meeting Lina and Slevin (or Justin? It's weird calling him Justin since he was my English Media teachers in highschool- aka "Mr. Slevin") for wings/what-not at the St. Louis Bar & Grill over by Yonge & Eglinton. I'd take the opportunity to visit Debby while i'm in the area... ...but she's still in Newfoundland. Hope she's having a good trip! On the topic of friends and stuff- I'm feeling the crunch of trying to see everyone in the next week or two so that I don't have to venture too far from close as we get closer and closer to Leah's due date. Tommy and his girlfriend, Erin, came over yesterday although Erin left after 15 minutes to go to work. Michal (Mehow!) and I spoke on the phone for nearly an hour yesterday morning, also- he's in town while he's in between jobs, but he's leaving to go back to Germany at the end of January, so hopefully I'll get to see him and Victoria before then- and maybe they'll even be able to meet Leah! We'll see! So yeah, lots of things to do and lots of people to see, for shizzle.
New Year's this year is probably going to suck since my brother doesn't want to come spend it down here and I really don't want to head all the way up to Ajax (again)! I hope he changes his mind before then, but if not- looks like it'll be a quiet, very uneventful night for us (especially if my mom decides to go up to Ajax.) Also, now that my niece, Arwen, knows what's up I'll share on here.... my brother and sister-in-law are getting separated and he's moving out in a matter of days. Arwen is actually excited at the idea of having "two homes" and "two bedrooms" and "two sets of toys" sort of thing- I guess that's how they presented the idea to her, being 5 and all. I don't think she realizes that 'sleepovers at dad's' will mean that mom is not there... but hopefully, she'll adjust well enough. I know both of her parents want the absolute best for her, so I want nothing more than for her to be one of those lucky kids who can still have the best of both worlds- mom AND dad- and not see divorce as the devastating thing that it CAN BE in some families. It's hard for me since he's my older brother that I've always looked up to... and she's one of my (if not "my") best friend(s). Family issues are tricky issues. Hopefully next Christmas everyone will be civil enough with one another that we can still do a big, joint Christmas so that Leah can enjoy both her uncle and auntie (because I'll always refer to her in that way) AND her cousin, Arwen... all in one place... kind of thing. That's what I'm hoping, but we'll see. I won't get into the issues surrounding the separation because it'll induce a big headache in me.
BTW- and on a totally unrelated matter- I *did* remember to call that baby store yesterday (Baby on the Hip) and Marcin and I are going to make a trip there on Friday (since he doesn't work- woohoo!) and get the carrier and diaper pail. I'm tres excited- I love that place, they have super neat products!
I should get going- don't want to rush and be still in towels from the shower when Ashley gets here! I'm sure I'll post later in the week (heck, maybe even tomorrow!)
Oh- and I wish I loved anything (I'm not talking about people here!) as much as my cat loves crinkly paper. He goes bananas over that stuff.