Stroller-Happy! (thanks, Marcin!)

Nov 02, 2008 15:59

I'm currently at work (shh!  It's been reeeeally slow, and I've only been here 2 hours!) and really excited because Marcin decided to go out today and buy our STROLLER!  =)  I'm suuuper picky and was not all too keen on getting one of the big, clunky plastic travel system strollers (I'd NEVER be able to get on a bus on my own!  Also, I don't think it'd do so well in the snow!) and he agreed that we should get the one I had my eye on... here's the catch.  It's SUPER expensive.  It's the UPPABABY Vista stroller (and it has a seat -and- a bassinet which we'll use for her when we first bring her home in lieu of a co-sleeper or Moses basket...type thing)!  I'm so excited to get home and put the thing together just so that I can LOOK at it, if that makes any sense.  We got the one in black.  Sigh.

Anywho, I was mostly surprised that he decided to buy this for us ($$$!) especially since tomorrow is his birthday and he should be treating himself.... ....I guess when you have a baby treating -them- is like treating yourself.... wow, I feel old.

And, in other, totally related (yes, RELATED, not UNRELATED) news-- "Dear-Born Baby" ( is the name of the store we went to, in Thornhill and it is AMAZING!  I feel like I had crossed the border for the sheer number of super-cool baby prods that they had right there, in stock.  It seems to me that in Toronto if you're looking for cloth diapers or nice, sturdy stroller (that AREN'T the $1000 bugaboo!) or even organic clothing for your babe, you really have to SEARCH.  It bugs me that it's not more readily available.  But anyways...

It doesn't matter because OUR BABY LEAH has her stroller, already!  MAJOR PURCHASES LEFT: car seat.  We're getting a TrueFit convertible car seat (birth/rear-facing >> 65 lbs/forward-facing, just not a booster like the comprehensive seats) at some point, and that's it... everything else (even all the random things we registered for, for our baby shower) we could TECHNICALLY do without.  So I'm feeling relieved.  Mommy-nerves are easening, that's for sure.

I really have little else to report on!

Marcin's birthday is tomorrow, as I mentioned.  I'll barely see him since he works (new job!  woohoo!) and then has his "daddy's only workshop" from 7-8:30; which means he'll be out of the house from 6 AM - 9:30 PMish... and then does it all again on Tuesday (since we have our prenatal class, together)  Perhaps we'll celebrate on Wednesday!   He'll be the big 2-3 (what a baby!  I feel like such  cradle robber since I've been 24 since July!) and this is bound to be a VERY exciting year!   =)

Hope everyone's well!  Toodles!
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