Apr 20, 2009 09:26
When was the last time I wrote in my journal *asksherself*
Oh my god, time's passing so fast and I hate it. Really I can't stand this, why does it have to be this fast and always hurrying (;¬_¬) じ~っ
...then everything gets blurry and everyone will be forgotten. During the weekend I was at my Grandmother's house and I felt nothing at, it's strange, maybe it's getting normal, who knows. After her death I nearly felt this loss physically every time entering her home. It was painful, you've gotta imagine, you don't feel the warmth or at least the feeling of being at home, only entering a house and nothing more. (-_-#)ピクッ
There was a time I was wandering through the house up and down sniffing on my Granny's stuff just to remember what she smelled like. She smelled so good (´ヘ`;)なんで~
I hate to have those feelings... I'd say I hate to have feelings at all. (-_-#)ゴロゴロ
I just want to sleep all day, that would be great. YEAH!!! (@⌒O⌒@)
See ya,