Diet and other thingies (⌒▽⌒)ノ_彡☆バンバン!

Jul 12, 2008 21:53

First of all, tomorrow's the day and my ears will hurt like hell. naschkaetzchen and I will get our ears pierced. Mine will be one on each side and naschkaetzchen wants to have two on the left side, I think. O(≧∇≦)O イエイ!!嬉ーしーいー!

Today I was shopping for summer trousers, but I hadn't had much luck. During my diet I lost 4 kg and now I weight as much as at the time I came back from Japan. I'm so happy that it's so easy to go on with the Weight Watchers and the points. I'm impressed, usually when making a diet there is always this up-down-up-effect, but since I'm counting points that's no a problem anymore.(^▽^笑)

Recently I started jogging late night with loud GazettE music in my ears and 1 kg barbells. That's really relaxing and refreshing. I like it. (*´▽`*) プッ

Luv ya all,
あちらさんも(・_・ )ノこちらさんも(・ ・)そちらさんも( ・_・)ノおやすみ♪
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