Потрясающие фотографии итальянской античной архитектуры на цветной плёнке Кодахром в 1950х гг.

Jan 10, 2017 23:59

В 1956 г. канадец путешествовал по Европе и Великобритании и фотографировал здания, старинные и новые. Имя этого канадца неизвестно, скорее всего, его уже нет в живых, но его фотографии поражают своим качеством и красотой.

Arch of Constantine, Rome, Italy, 1956

Back facade of the Santa Maria Novella Church, Florence, Italy, 1956

Banner for the XXVIII Venice Biennale hanging from the Rialto Bridge, Venice, Italy, 1956

Baptistry & Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore (Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flower) & Campanile (Giotto's Bell Tower), Florence, Italy, 1956

Baptistry & Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore (Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flower) and Campanile (Giotto's Bell Tower), Florence, Italy, 1956

Campanile (Giotto's Bell Tower) at Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore (Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flower) Florence, Italy, 1956

Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore (Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flower), Florence, Italy, 1956

Courtyard of the Doge's Palace, Venice, Italy, 1956

Courtyard of the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, Florence, Italy, 1956

Facade of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II from Il Duomo (Milan Cathedral), Milan, Italy, 1956

Il Duomo (Milan Cathedral), Milan, Italy, 1956

Il Duomo (Milan Cathedral), Milan, Italy, 1956

Il Duomo (Milan Cathedral), Milan, Italy, 1956

Inside The Pantheon, Rome, Italy, 1956

Loggetta at the foot of the Campanile, Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy, 1956

Main portal by Augusto Passaglia at the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore (Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flower), Florence, Italy, 1956

Milan Cathedral, Milan, Italy, 1956

Milan Cathedral, Milan, Italy, 1956

Milan Cathedral, Milan, Italy, 1956

Milan Central Station (Milano Centrale) from Piazza Duca D'Aosta, Milan, Italy, 1956

Northerly View from the Rialto Bridge, Venice, Italy, 1956

Piazza C.L.N., Torino, Italy, 1956

Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy, 1956

Portal of St Mark's Basilica, Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy, 1956

San Zeno Basilica, Verona, Italy, 1956

Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy, 1956

St Mark's Clock, Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy, 1956

View down Calle Larga XXII Marzo towards Chiesa di San Moise on Campo San Moisè, Venice, Italy, 1956

View from Saint Mark's Basilica of Piazzetta San Marco, Venice, Italy, 1956

View towards Via Dei Mercanti from Il Duomo (Milan Cathedral), Milan, Italy, 1956

West facade of St Mark's Basilica, Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy, 1956

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