So I had a bad idea. So I poked at said bad idea. So it poked back.
I just signed up for a 5k race today, mainly to say I could. The thing is, I'm not a runner and never have been. I've been working out since February on a regular basis, but will readily avoid cardio if given the option. Why I chose a run as a goal, I have no idea.
I did manage to run 2.55 miles tonight though? No, I will not be setting any speed records, but I made my goal for the night and am calling it a win. That leaves me with making it an additional .55 miles at a shot by the time the race comes around in November. [The timeline is short so that I don't chicken out.]
The race in question? Is called the Chocoholic Frolic and is pretty much right on astrological Samhain, which is another reason I chose it: meet a goal, try something new, new beginnings for the new year, yadda.
Yep. Let's see how horrible this all turns out? :p
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