Cartoon Avengers Assemble

Aug 20, 2013 05:54

So I was home sick yesterday and we actually got the cable to work and we actually found where the animated series of Avengers Assemble was hidden in the On Demand options [hint: not by name, but by Kids -> Disney XD -> Avengers Assemble, though it also comes up if you search by "Marvel" but you have to do this for each episode you want to watch].

No, not all the eps were there. Yes, some had painful, cheesy, "this is the lesson of the episode" moments. Yes, I laughed my ass off at most of them anyway.

The voice for Tony threw me (as
wolfie74 said, he sounds like a 16 year old and, sorry Adrian Pasdar, you kinda do for this one), but eventually you get used to it. Besides, there is enough snark and background interactions to distract from that: trained heroes fighting over cookies, Clint, Tony versus Cap versus tech, Clint, Tony simply pulling out his wallet every time Thor breaks something, did I mention Clint?

So, yeah, overall it was pretty damn entertaining. And I don't think it was just the fever since
wolfie74 was laughing too.

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