Dear City of B'ville,
Did you really need a night crew to work on the bridge that adjoins a residential area? You couldn't just extend construction by, like, a day since it's planned for a month anyway? You really desperately needed to pound and thud and growl and beep non-stop from nightfall to sunrise, using powersprayers and gravel and who knows what else? Oh, and to have your workers shout back and forth to each oth at odd hours, let us not forget that too.
So tired. The brief bit of sleep I got, I dreamt that I called in to work and then kept getting calls from a coworker that I know doesn't have my cell but it made sense at the time. Oh, and while wandering, trying to answer a phone with an interesting password lock thingy, happened across the perfect couch/chair thing for our room being left out by one of the uppity richer people a few blocks away as a "grab it if you want it" item. Now debating looking up if there are garage/estate sales this weekend... just in case.
Sleep. Need it. Mochas. Need them. Crap tons of work. The only thing I'm likely to get.
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