Not sure if I need to say it, but figure better safe than sorry, so...
Apologies in advance for the various warnings on the next slew of stories waiting to be posted. I have been writing entries for
hc_bingo, which in themselves can warrant certain warnings. Apparently my mind decided there simply was not enough angst, and had to add some more? Or something?
So, please read the warnings before you read the next fics. The ones I know for certain thus far include:
- allusion to eating disorders
- homophobia
- miscarriage(s)
- abuse of Whitney Houston references
I think that's it, for now? Sorry? They all do tie in to the plots though, for really. I may have just had a backlog of angst and anger built up from not writing for so long, and it just needed a way out.
This entry was originally posted at Current comments