Quick question(s)

Aug 12, 2012 14:48

Will totally post about the trip to New Orleans when I can. Normally, I'd email myself the pics from my phone, resize them to make them more journal-friendly, and make a post. Unfortunately, my mini that I use for this seems to think the ";" key is awesome beyond belief and I cannot type anything without a few dozen of those appearing and yes, we have tried cleaning it. I also don't have a photo resizing program or a way to upload the pics on the iPad, which is odd but a question for another day.

I also do the majority of my writing on the mini. The reason for this was two-fold:
1) my iPad keyboard can be frustrating due to thinking I am typing something I am not (seriously, the autocorrect loves me... or something).
2) my iPad program decided about a week in that spell check and grammar check are totally not necessary and disabled the option without a way to turn it back on. Given iPad comes with an internal spell check for all programs, this is truly impressive.

So we got my Bluetooth keyboard to finally work, but this leaves one final issue:
Does anyone know of a good word processing program for iPad?

I have been debating buying Pages, but would love some feedback on it if possible. Can you switch between US and British spell/grammar checks? I have DropBox, so I should be able to save to that, open on the server, and download to my external for safekeeping as well, I think. It just seems weird that, for a supposed learning tool, the word processing options are so limited.


This entry was originally posted at http://cat-77.dreamwidth.org/403857.html. Current comments


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