Life & Stuff

Jul 01, 2012 10:03

Bullet points are like friends, they keep you in place:

- It is 90* here. It has been 90* or higher for most of the week. It will continue to be 90* or higher for most of next week.

- We have no AC at home.

- Will be at CONvergence from sometime Thursday through sometime Sunday. The theme this year is Awesome Women of Sci-Fi. Sophie Aldred is one of the guests of honor. I can't wait to see
wolfie74 fangirl all over her. We're also helping Youngest, Eldest, & friends with the Teen Room as the adult contacts. It's been interesting seeing some of the behind the scenes of con.

- There is AC at the hotel.

- I have totally been writing... a little bit. Have a few ideas for
hc_bingo, both mapped out and in progress, but it's been slow going due to work and not really being in a writing groove at all so far this year.

- I will totally play catch up on comments... soon? Sorry!

- I have also fallen into Avengers fandom somehow. I'd blame donutsweeper and threnodyjones, but I kinda sorta asked them for recs, so that might toss that argument out the window. That said, more recs are always welcomed. *g*

- It's after 10 am. I should probably go eat breakfast. And maybe even feed Eldest & Youngest in the process.

This entry was originally posted at Current comments

whee! fandom, family ties, random

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