Title: Finding Out (Part 2)
Author: Cat_13145
Rating: PG /R
Word Count: 427
Charcters:Supergirl (Kara Clark), Bruce/Clark Implied
Author's Notes: Full blame for this chapter to Fictional knight, for the idea of Clark having a bat tattoo (The Full Batty) and untitledno8 "and so we meet and there are sparks" that made me decided to use Kara for the Superpoint of view. Orginally it was going to be Kon, but I decided that would be too weird. This is my first attempt at Bruce/Clark, and is the shortest multipart fic I've ever written, so please let me know if shorter really is better.
Summary: How Kara found out.
Disclaimer: I don't own them. If I did, this would be cannon.
Chapter 2
Kara tried not to feel guilty about spying on her cousin. Clark had been acting so peculiarly for months since he and Lois spilt up, and suddenly he was almost his normal happy self.
It was worrying.
So she attempted to ally her guilt, as she took a peep through the walls of Clark’s building on her way home. Everything seemed normal, except…she narrowed her eyes, homing in.
Was that a bat tattoo?
Once she’d spotted the tattoo, Kara allowed herself to relax.
Having watched Kon’s relationship with Tim, she knew that for all their paranoia and general weirdness, relationships with Bats did tend to be very rewarding. At least in the first couple of months.
The question was Which of the Bats was it?
Tim, she dismissed almost immediately, because besides the age difference, Clark would not have started a relation ship with Kon’s ex without telling him.
Jason? She considered it for a moment, but ultimately dismissed it. Besides Jason’s questionable sanity, there was again the age difference.
Dick? She slowly put her head on one side. It was a possibility. Dick had demonstrated more than once that he’d bat for both teams, and the age difference wasn’t as great, but still… she shook her head. She hoped it wasn’t Dick.
It occurred to her that she had automatically assumed that the mystery partner was male. While Cass had the same objections as Jason, Babs didn’t…she shook her head. If it had been Babs, she’d have expected a hawk or something, not a Bat.
Batman? She shivered.
O.K. if you were looking at it as an outsider, Bruce was the best bet. He was the nearest in age, he and Clark had been friends for years, rumours about his sexuality and past relationships were standards- if you wanted to get the truth out of another hero during Truth or Dare (for some reason, no one ever dared ask Batman “Have you ever slept with the Joker, or Two Face, or any of them really?)- but…
But he was the god dammed Batman! The idea of him being with anyone, having sex with any one was just…creepy.
Picturing Bruce Wayne with Clark was slightly better, but she knew that you couldn’t get one without the other.
She sighed.
Lois knew who Clark was sleeping with, but every time she tried asking her, Lois just said that Clark would tell her when he was ready. Martha Kent said the same thing, and if they were both so calm, it couldn’t be Batman.
Could it?