Last days of summer/First days of fall

Sep 15, 2010 16:06

Hey again~ It's not an introduction, it's just a set of photos that I took recently. It's sort of that transition between summer and fall time, my favorite! This is a set of pictures I took of April (Volks Lorina) playing outside the other day. She's just so adorable, I can't believe I was considering getting rid of her!! She may get a new face-up sometime, there's this part right above her eyes that is sort of grayish-purple and it sort of makes her eyes look droopy. The only concern I have about it is that she is a limited and it is a limited face-up. So I feel sort of bad wiping it. But then again, she is mine and I can and should do what I want to her face-up so that I absolutely love it. Thoughts?

Anyhow, on with the shoot!


This is April's view when she lays in the grass to look at the sky.

I didn't make any of her clothes and her animals are actually Iwako erasers. They're the perfect size for Yo-SD toys and stuffed animals. I mean seriously, how could you use something that adorable to erase your mistakes??

bjd, april

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