Aug 03, 2006 22:23
It's not so much that I have not had a computer for the last several days, simply that I have been unable to go home, because the air conditioner is broken and our land lady is out of town and the people she called to come fix it haven't gotten there yet. She called today to ask if it was done yet and I told her that it wasn', she called them and then told me that it would likely be tomorrow.
We have wonderful friends who have been offering us crash space, because if we were to stay in a house that is 108 degrees F, then the majority of us would either be: A - Sick, B - Hospitalized, or C - Dead.
We've been staying at Michelle's place. We owe her a great deal for this. MJ and Reza have offered, as has Bert, and it is muchly appreciated.
Other than that, nothing much is going on. I still hate my job. I worked a 12 hour day today, which wouldn't be bad except for the fact that today was supposed to be an 11 hour day. *sighs* And I don't get overtime...I get that crap that they're allowed to do to "salaried employees".
I still haven't been able to find another job. I've been looking all over the place, but sadly, to be able to get another job, I'm likely going to have to move...and I can't do that...not for another 3 years. We promised...and as much as I hate the Dallas area, Matthew likes it here and wants to stay...therefore, here is where we are. This is, of course, until he finally lands that job on one of the Carribean Islands that he's been putting in for. *smirk*
JA is signing up for classes at Brookhaven Community College. It's a place to start until he can join the Coast Guard. On an interesting note, Matthew and I found a couple of classes there that we were considering taking...but, sadly, the money for college just isn't there for us this semester. We need to help JA...that's much more important.
Amber has decided that she no longer wants to be on the Swim Team. That's fine. She is now a Member of the Colour Guard...The Flag Corp that travels with the Marching Band and dances with flags while the band plays...
That's cool.
Joy hasn't decided exactly what she wants to do from here. But, she is taking core classes. She's still studying French, so that could be good for her.
The Bear starts into 5th grade this year. She got the teacher she wanted, Ms. Case. I've already talked to her. I like her very much. She is really interested in helping the Bear succeed. She intends on talking with Ms. Usey, the Bear's teacher from last year, and get the inside scoop on our Bear. As I said, I like her a lot.
So, that's really about it...there's nothing much going on. I have a lot of email to answer...that's really about the gist of things.
I wish you all the best...