You know you've been at Belmont too long if...

May 05, 2008 10:38

1) You are excited that you've been accepted to summer school somewhere else.
2) You're disappointed that What's Bruin isn't open after exam period.
3) You're planning your graduate education and career while sitting in a Junior Cornerstone class when you would have been a senior elsewhere.
4) You consider Easy Mac a well-balanced meal for dinner, lunch, and sometimes breakfast.
5) You can't find integrals, but when asked to estimate the area inside a guitar you might as well be Einstein.
6) You seriously consider patronizing the shady looking liquor store down the street after any and all convocation events.
7) You have figured out the ultimate secret: the psychology building actually has wireless.
8a) You really hate gen ed, but you'll give all the classes OK ratings since "if we had to take it, they do too."
8b) You really love gen ed and don't understand why others don't until 6 years have passed and you're still an undergrad.
9) You laugh at the people who decided to major in math or science because you were smart and majored in theater, music or music business.
10) You wonder why you took computer proficiency since most of the professors don't even seem to know how to use e-mail.
11) You walk across the street to Circle K and have exact change for a Coke out every time.
12) You get excited when someone says there's a "real Coke" machine.
13) The CMT awards mean jumping fences, yelling at large vehicles, and otherwise being possessive of "your" campus.
14) You call security not expecting them to show up for at least 20 minutes.
15) Your neighbors sing, dance, play piano, or just make a bunch of noise all the time.  All the time including between 2 and 7 am.
16) You go home on weekends.  Even if you live outside of Tennessee.
17) You know about the 5-minute late actual starting time of 8 am classes.
18) You take the "1/3 of the number of times class meets" excused absences as a challenge.
19) You've considered every career track possible and ruled out any that involve staying at this school for longer than one summer after graduation.
20) You waste a whole lotta time doing crap like this online because of #7.
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