LOL! Lester's giant set of brass bollocks had me going like this: :-DDDD
Poor Burton. Cut in half. Just kidding! :-P Serves the bastard right! \o/
Poor Connor though, he's os lost. I LOVED the ending. It was absolutely perfect. Connor in Abby's arms, the hall light on, her finally telling him that she loved him. EXCELLENT! BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT BRILLIANT! Genius I say! :-D This was such a great story. I'm adding it to my memories and my favorites on
Awwww, thanks. *blushes* Very glad you liked it. :) I hope E does too, lol. She had to wait long enough for it.
I enjoy killing Burton a wee bit too much, me thinks. *cackle* And I HAD to get the love in there, didn't I? After all the writers didn't give it to us.
I'm sure she will. It was an absolutely fantastic story. And totally worth the wait.
I've enjoyed killing Burton as well. I think you missed the story where I did that. ;-) You've got some catching up to do. LOL! And yeah, the freaking writers rarely give us anything. :-( But, that's what we have fanfic for. :-)
Mine was a Primevalathon story. You'll probably have to read it from behind your fingers, Cat did. I posted it to ConnorandAbby and Denial though, so it shouldn't be too hard to find. I was... um... extra special mean to Connor in this one. Consider your self warned. :-/ I got good reviews though. You know me and endings. This one ended hopeful, and I'll be writing a sequel fic this summer to kind of round it all out. I still need to put it on :-/ Maybe next weekend.
Yeah, the prompt was a little intese, but I had a ton of fun whumping him. Don't worry, I put him all back together at the end. I've never really broken Connor, but I do in this one. Even in Taken, there he didn't really break. He only gave in a little when they threatened Abby. But the whole time he was looking for a way out, you know? In this one, he breaks... pretty completely.
;-) Well, so long as you can brave some noncon. ;-/ Don't worry, I didn't give it a bunch of porny, slashy detail. I kept it tasteful. LOL! Tasteful noncon. I have issues. Hahahahahaha
Which death fic of hers? I think she's written a couple of them.
Yes, that's it. I skimmed it but I've never been able to read the whole thing. Too much sadness for me. D-: I can't hancle it. I get all depressed just reading the synopsis. I don't kill any one. Well, I do, but by that time you want them to die. Kinda like here. :-)
Well I do recommend. Very sad, though. I think I'll pick to fluffity fluff pieces and sandwich your non-con in between them as soon as I get brave enough to read it. I'm planning on catching up on tomorrow.
Maybe one day. I just can't. :-( It's just too horrible. Yes, fluff is good. At least you don't have to wait for me to post. I was pretty evil with the cliffhangers. :-D Hehehehehehe. I haven't put it on yet. I will eventually, but I just haven't had time. We need more fluff though. So, get moving on that missing reel. :-)
I've got the first couple of sentences :) I'm shamelessly net-flixing Bones season 1 tonight though. The brain needs a rest. All that UST and angst, heehee!
Poor Burton. Cut in half. Just kidding! :-P Serves the bastard right! \o/
Poor Connor though, he's os lost. I LOVED the ending. It was absolutely perfect. Connor in Abby's arms, the hall light on, her finally telling him that she loved him. EXCELLENT! BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT BRILLIANT! Genius I say! :-D This was such a great story. I'm adding it to my memories and my favorites on
I enjoy killing Burton a wee bit too much, me thinks. *cackle* And I HAD to get the love in there, didn't I? After all the writers didn't give it to us.
I've enjoyed killing Burton as well. I think you missed the story where I did that. ;-) You've got some catching up to do. LOL! And yeah, the freaking writers rarely give us anything. :-( But, that's what we have fanfic for. :-)
Which death fic of hers? I think she's written a couple of them.
AND you think Bones is going to help? Have you seen the show? :-)
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