After ten hours on my feet and schmoozing with people on only five hours of sleep this was heaven to come home to! I think you might've topped yourself again with this one. I adore your fine detail, particularly the description of Connor's hot bod from Abby's point of view. I also love how they were both so into it. I think when you're under stress over writing you inevitably come up with something brilliant! Poor Connor's welted red bottom! It might be a while before he indulges again. I wonder what Abby's kink is? ;)
Oh, yay! Thank you! I'm glad it brightened your day! I was going to ask how it went, but it sounds like you need a jacuzzi and a glass of wine. *grins* I hope some sales?
Might go into Abby's "thing" next little smut fic go around :)
Well, I handed out about 100 business cards, so here's hoping!
I need a nice "London Fog" to drink, something yummy to munch upon and some lovely Conby fic to curl up with. Perhaps tomorrow night. It'll be another ten hours of the same tomorrow.
I'd be most curious to find out just what Abby's 'thing' is ;)
*hugs* Go get em! Hmmm... I probably am going to end up writing that. Oh. Oh! OH! Plot bunny! Big fluffy smutty bunny! I've got it. Yes... I will write it (after the next chap and a half, LOL!)
Might go into Abby's "thing" next little smut fic go around :)
I need a nice "London Fog" to drink, something yummy to munch upon and some lovely Conby fic to curl up with. Perhaps tomorrow night. It'll be another ten hours of the same tomorrow.
I'd be most curious to find out just what Abby's 'thing' is ;)
Yay for big fluffy smutty bunnies!
I'm going to need to write when I get home tomorrow, so madame if you please, prompt me for a big fluffy smutty bunny! Or just a little one :)
Right! Off to bed for me, gettin' up at 6am. *shudder*
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