Jan 20, 2004 10:59
Well, since everyone is doing it (and I have some free time), I'll go ahead and take the quiz too.
-Name: Charles Edward Galyon
-Birthdate: 8/31/1978
-Birthplace: Knoxville, Tennessee
-Current Location: Knoxville, Tennessee
-Eye Color: Blue/Green (they change)
-Hair Color: Blonde
-Righty or Lefty: Righty
-Zodiac Sign: Virgo
-Innie or Outtie: Innie and more so than I care for
-Your heritage: Lots of question about that the further back I go, but it seems like primarily Welsh and the ancestor that provides my last name was a French soldier (Galliean or something like that) that came to Wales a long long time ago (I think 1600's). I have a small amount of Dutch, English and Irish as well. Then there's a chunk of Cherokee from my mother's side (like 15% or something like that) and a touch from my father's (like 5%).
-The shoes you wore today: I haven't put on shoes yet! But I'll be putting on black New Balance shoes when I do.
-Your hair: Slightly wave, fairly thick and currently cut medium short.
-Your eyes: Um... I see through them, but not very well, that's why I wear glasses. They appear to change color depending on what color shirt I wear or what my surroundings are. But that's really more of an optical illusion than reality, I think. They're hazel.
-Your fears: Losing my friends and being alone. It seems I've also secretly developed a fear of heights (came as quite a surprise to me at a rather inconvenient time) and I'm afraid of spiders, though I'll kill them regardless (my mortal enemies!)
-Your perfect pizza: Cheese with a little bit of beef. Nobody seems to make their beef right though. Oh yeah, actually I like pizza margarita a lot with chopped basil leaves under the cheese.
What is
-Your most overused phrase: "What's up?" I need another way to start conversations... I'll just start trying random things and see what people think.
-Your thoughts first waking up: Lately it's been that either I got too much or too little sleep and my head hurts.
-The first aspect of the opposite sex that you notice: How they're dressed; conservative, slutty, etc...? You can tell a lot about a person by how they're dressed.
-Your best physical feature: I don't really know. I used to be fairly proud of my physique, but I've let that slip badly while working so much. Hmm... I like my nose. :) Yes, I like my nose (except for the messed up interior which is all bent and makes it hard to breath despite the surgery to correct it). Maybe my jawline? Umm... my chin! Ah yes, there we go. Maybe I'll opt for my chin. Hmm... I just haven't really thought about it. Other people are much better at guaging something in my exterior.
-Your bedtime: Varies a lot lately. Essentially either 10pm or 1am.
-Your most missed memory: When I was frequently with all of my friends and we had fun doing stuff together.
You Prefer
-Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
-McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King, McDonald's is filthy food... I don't eat filthy food.
-Single or group dates: Both
-Adidas or Nike: Adidas is the "underdog" and has gel. I opt for Adidas, but I don't wear their shoes because they're too cheap.
-Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Depends on the restaurant. Some have good Lipton, some have good Nestea. When homemade they're both far better than in a restaurant though.
-Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
-Cappuccino or coffee: Frappucino (vanilla!)
-Boxers or briefs: Briefs
Do You
-Smoke: No, it's a nasty habit. But I have had enough second-hand to probably look like I have the black lung!
-Cuss: Um... I've started to not notice when I do. I try not to most of the time.
-Sing well: Well? I doubt that. But I do it in the car by myself anyway because it's fun.
-Take a shower everyday: Yup, every morning.
-Have a crush: No
-Who are they: --
-Do you think you've been in love: Yup, true love is great. I liked the analysis one of my professors gave of love and its components. I believe it pretty well sums it up and you can tell when you have all three components that you have true love. Naturally, I'm still with The Girl (she's so girly!).
-Want to go to college: I have and it was a whole lot better than high school, but now I want to go to graduate school.
-Like high school: Hated it. My entire school experience prior to college was horrible, the worst time of my life. I learned nothing other than to hate people.
-Want to get married: Yeah
-Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Yeah, like Ben said, it's hard to use a split keyboard without it.
-Believe in yourself: Yes
-Get motion sickness: Yeah
-Think you're attractive: I hope so. I think internally it matters to me (obviously since I feel I'm out of shape and not happy with it).
-Think you're a health freak: No
-Get along with your parents: Sometimes, more so now than I did before.
-Like thunderstorms: I like to watch them, they're powerful!
-Play an instrument: Piano and Cello, though it's been a long time since I've had the time for cello.
In the past month, did/have you
-Done a drug: No
-Have Sex: No
-Made Out: *shrug*
-Go on a date: Yes
-Go to the mall?: Yes
-Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No, I haven't done that since that one time with Jeff some ten years ago on his front porch.
-Eaten sushi: No
-Been on stage: No
-Been dumped: No
-Gone skating: No
-Made homemade cookies: No
-Been in love: Yes
-Gone skinny dipping: No
-Dyed your hair: No
-Stolen anything: No
Have you ever
-Played a game that required removal of clothing?: No (though Ben tried to convince me, I know Halo doesn't require that!)
-Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Just when I've been deliriously ill or under the effects of anasthetic.
-Been caught "doing something": I'm sure I have, I was a kid once.
-Been called a tease: No
-Gotten beaten up: Yeah, I think so. I used to get in fights a lot and I'm sure I didn't always win. Helps you learn what fights to pick!
-Shoplifted: No
-If so, did you get caught: --
-Changed who you were to fit in: No, not because I didn't try though. I was more or less just incapable of doing it back when I was willing to. Over time I decided to never bother anymore, I hated my classmates anyway.
The future
-Age you hope to be married: At least by 30! :)
-Numbers and Names of Children: Two, maybe three, but more likely just two. Their names will be "One", "Two" and "Possibly Three." Seriously, I'm not entirely sure about the names yet. Maybe a girl will be named, "Althea."
-Descibe your Dream Wedding: All of my friends would be present, not too many other people such that it would become more of a superficial affair. I would want it to be simple and meaningful.
-How do you want to die: Honorably
-Where you want to go to college: Already going to UTK. Before it was just because of elimination, now I'm hoping to get into one of the programs by choice. The graduate program is very well accredited and nationally ranked, so I'm a bit concerned about my chances.
-What do you want to be when you grow up: I think I'd like to be a professor and do research and teach. Those are both extremely rewarding.
-What country would you most like to visit: Japan and I'd like to take Anna to see Eichstaett, Germany.
Number of
-drugs taken illegally: 0
-people I could trust with my life: It depends on how much danger there is to the individual as well and what all they stand to lose by helping me. Unconditionally? I'd trust 4.
-CDs that I own: No idea, a whole boatload.
-piercings: 0
-tattoos: 0
-scars on my body: Innumerous. At a guess I'd say about 30 or so.
-things in my past that I regret: So many...
My Father thinks I am: not trying hard enough and need to get a real career and make some money
My Mother thinks I am: doing the wrong thing by working with NeoPong and need to get a real job
My grandma thinks I am: I'm not really sure, the one that thought about that kind of stuff has long since passed away, but she was a good woman and I respected her opinion.
My best friend thinks I am: I really don't know anymore.
Yes or No
+keep a diary= Just this LiveJournal stuff
+like to cook= No
+have a secret you have not shared with anyone= Yes
+fold your underwear= No, it's not like people will notice if they're wrinkled.
+talk in your sleep= Yeah, apparently I do.
+set your watch a few minutes ahead= If my watch could be repaired I wouldn't. My alarm clocks, though, are all about a half hour ahead.
+bite your fingernails= No
+believe in love= Yes
-movie you watched = Office Space
-song you listened to = The end theme from Zelda: A Link to the Past
-song you've downloaded = Hmm... that was a long time ago... I think some Zelda songs.
-cd you bought = That was a long time ago too. I'm pretty content with the music I have. I suspect it may have been a Sting CD, or Wagner.
-dvd you bought = Shogun
-person you've called = Anna
-person that's called you = Anna
-tv show you've watched = Not sure...
-person you were thinking of? Anna, you just asked me a question in which she was the answer, what do you expect?!
-you wish you could live somewhere else = No, Knoxville, in spite of being boring sometimes, it's pretty ideal
-think about suicide = I have
-you believe in online dating = No, you have to meet the person physically at some point for it to work; you don't know a person until you've been with them for a while.
-others find you attractive = Anna says she does
-you want more piercings = No
-you want more tattoos = No
-you drink = Sodas, tea and sometimes frappucinos.
-you do drugs = No illegal ones, sometimes I use Excedrin, Advil, Motrin and the ilk.
-you smoke = No
-you like cleaning = No, but I hate filth, so cleaning always wins.
-you like roller coasters = Yes, mostly.
-you write in cursive or print = Print.
-you carry a donor card = No
Have you ever
-cried over a girl = Yes
-lied to someone = Yes
-been in a fist fight = Yes
-been arrested = No
-shampoo do you use = Herbal Essence
-cologne do you use = Drakar Noir when I use cologne
-shoes do you wear = I thin I was already asked, but again, New Balance