(no subject)

Sep 27, 2004 13:45

In The Last 48 Hours, Have You:
01. Cried: Yes. I have been feeling like shit recently and it finally caught up with me.
02. Bought something: New Chem Goggles, Stuff for Jenny because she is sick.
03. Gotten sick: Actually, the opposite. I am getting better.
04. Sang: Nope
05. Eaten: Yeah
06. Been kissed: Yes, by some girl who has a cold.
07. Felt stupid: Yeah, who hasn't?
08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: Nope, no sense in keeping that stuff to yourself.
09. Met someone new: Such is the life of a college student.
10. Moved on: Nope, haven't had anything to move on from.
11. Talk to an ex: nope
12. Missed an ex: nope
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: I don't need crushes, I have a Jenny ^_^
14. Had a serious talk: Not really, a little bit though
15. Missed someone: Every single second I am away from her.
16. Hugged someone: Yup, since we couldn't kiss anymore since she is sick.
17. Fought with your parents: I almost NEVER fight with my parents.
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: Yes, but it only is that way on the weekdays, we get to be together on the weekends.

Social Life:

01. Best girl friend: Jenny, of course! If she isn't counted, probably Becky from work.
02. Best guy friend: probably Geoff
03. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Miss Jennifer Nicole Graue, most beautiful girl on the planet.
04. If no, current dating partner: Hwha???
05. Hobbies: Listening to music, D&D, anime.
06. Pager: Nope, but I have a cell phone.
07. Are you center of attention or the wallflower: It really depends on the situation, though generally I try not to draw attention to myself.
08. What type automobile do you drive: '98 Dodge Neon High Line
09. What type automobile do you wish you drove: Probably a RX-8 (why does an look more right than a?) or a Corvette.
10. Would you rather be with friends or on a date: Well, I do like to spend lots of time with Jenny, but I also like to spend time with friends. So a double or triple date would be ideal :P
11. Where is the best hangout: Sadly, the mall.
12. Do you have a job: at TRU still
13. Do you attend church: not on a regular basis at the moment.
14. Do you like being around people: Of course, being alone sucks royally.

01. Have you known the longest: Umm, of people that I know right now, probably Jerry or Sam.
02. Do you argue the most with: Jenny's mom or Mike.
03. Do you always get along with: Sam or Jerry.
04. Is the most trustworthy: Jerry, he isn't the kind of guy that would fuck with you.
05. Makes you laugh the most: Jerry
06. Has been there through all the hard times: no one really. Jenny haas been for a while though.
07. Has the coolest parents: Sam, engaging in conversation with his mom is one of the best parts about going over there.
08. Has the scariest siblings: Is it wrong that most of the people I know are only children. I guess that means that by rule of default, Crissy is the scariest sibling.
09. Is the most blunt: Mike, easily.
10. Is the smartest: Probably Ryan.


01. Who is your role model: Probably my parents since they have always worked hard their entire lives.
02. What is some of your pet peeves: People who try to argue with you on things they don't have a clue about. Namely when someone tries to argue anatomy with me.
03. Have you ever wanted someone you had no chance with: Yeah
04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: Yes, they seem to be the most adept at making a guy do so.
05. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: I seem to always go after girls that have prior engagements, which is irritating as hell.
06. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): Not maliciously.
07. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: It's human nature.
08. Would you rather be dumper or dumped? I'd like to avoid the situation entirely, but being the dumper is likely to be easier. I don't know, I haven't ever been the dumper.
09. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": I get more fulfillment out of a relationship.
10. Want someone you don't have right now: Nope, I have the only person I want or need right now.
11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: I am dating her currently.
12. Do you want to get married: It's one of my life's goals.
13. Do you want kids: Yeah.
14. Do you believe in psychics: Nope, unless they can start naming people and specific events from my past.
15. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: I would like to say I do, but nobody can tell the future.
16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: ? I don't have one.
17. What is your favorite part of your emotional being: I am not afraid to show my weaker side.
18. Are you happy with you: Depends on the day.
19. Are you happy with your life: Not really, but it isn't over yet so how can I judge it?
20. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: Where I am and where she is.

[ Current Clothes ] Green t-shirt, khakis, socks,...a smile...
[ Current Mood ] Pretty bored.
[ Current Music ] Nothing at the time.
[ Current Taste ] Pepperjack cheese.
[ Current Make-up ] the hell?
[ Current Hair ] Swept back
[ Current Annoyance ] Being at school at not with Jenny.
[ Current Smell ] Mike is in the room, you don't want to know.
[ Current thing I ought to be doing ] Studying for my Intro to Religion or Human Physiology tests...and that makes three tests this fucking week.
[ Current Desktop Picture ] The cover of Amber and Ashes by Margaret Weis.
[ Current Favorite Group ] Probably Seether or Shinedown
[ Current Book you're reading ] nothing for pleasure.
[ Current CD in CD Player ] Metallica
[ Current DVD in player ] ummm, I think the Lion King.
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] toe-nail color.
[ Current Refreshment ] nothing as of right now.
[ Current Worry ] Tests and Organic Chem Lab.
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