Ready for a laugh at my expence? Take a look.....

Jan 31, 2008 20:08

Well folks, here we go again with another one of my "oh look, Alison's an idiot" updates. See, I'm silly really, I tell you all this information that makes you laugh at me.

Anywho, the story begins on Monday as I drive home from work to stop at the traffic lights to turn right at Focus to go home when I notice that the car next to me suddenly has smoke pouring out from under the bonnet/hood. I drove off home wondering if that person realised their car was on fire. I get to work on Tuesday and I find out that it was my co-worker's car poor girl!!

I offered to drive Sharna to work on Wednesday as she no longer had a car and on the way in I realised I needed to fill up with petrol/gas. I fgured I'd do it on my way home but I'd forgotten that we had a staff meeting that evening so I forgot to do it on my way home.

I drive to work this morning hoping I have enough petrol to make it and I arrive there safely knowing I'll get it on the way home. I was on the A40 driving home and I drove past the first petrol station sure I had enough petrol to make it home because the little light hadn't yet come on. So I'm trundling along the A40 and my car suddenly stops working. Yes folks, incase you hadn't guessed it earlier I ran out of stinking petrol for the first time in my whole life. I said a few choice swearwords, unless Teresa is reading this and then I shall deny all knowledge of that last statement, no swearing, and pulled over to the side of the road to call my Dad. I was so cross with myself as I'd driven past the petrol station.

The upshot of this whole thing is that my wonderfull Mum came to rescue me with a gas can and a hug and I set off to fill up my car with as much petrol as it would take. I even overflowed the tank on to the forecourt.

I'm home safe now though, an hour later than I should have been, but here none the less. Teresa still hasn't had the baby (over a week late!) but when she does I'm sure I'll let you know. I'm only working a half day tomorrow which is great and I have the weekend to myself. Hope everone is okay.


car, baby, alison is an idiot, work

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