My Wonderful Family

Aug 04, 2007 23:52

So on Monday June 11th 2007 my Mum and Grandpa landed in Canada on their very special task of coming to see me for 12 days. I was all excited and skipping round the arrivals lounge with my sign I’d made letting everyone know who I was there to pick up.

We hung around Kitchener/Waterloo for a couple of days before we headed off to the cottage. We went to the beach and Mummy and I swam in the lake which was as hot as bathwater. It was great.

I made a campfire on both nights and they were almost as impressive as the one Adam and I made. I also used up the last of my Rainbow fire and it worked way better than when I used it the last time. It burned for ages.

I finished chopping all the wood that Adam had cut down for me when we were there last time. I was the funniest looking lumberjack, in a bikini and a miniskirt. But it did mean I didn’t get too hot from all the manual labour.

We came back from the cottage on the Saturday and I took Mum and Grandpa to church on Sunday morning. Unfortunately Ann was in a car accident on the way to pick us up but there wasn’t too much damage and everything worked out eventually.

Monday morning was the day I had been waiting for and Mummy and I got up in the morning to go and pick up the car we were renting for two days. We drove it back to Ann and Ken’s had lunch and then I drove us to Conestoga Mall so we could wander around and do a little bit of shopping, just the two of us. After we were all shopped out we went back to meet up with Grandpa who hadn’t been feeling well.

And so begins the story of the not so fun part of the time they had here. Grandpa was feeling dizzy and he couldn’t walk without holding on to somebody. He decided that he wanted to see somebody to find out what was wrong with him so went to find the emergency clinic. Unfortunately the clinic was closed for the day so we decided to go to Shoppers Drugmart to test his blood pressure. Grandpa couldn’t remember what his blood pressure was like usually so although it seemed high it could have just been normal for him. We asked the people who fill out the prescriptions and he recommended that we take Grandpa to the hospital.

Well that is an experience I hope I never have to live through again. We waited around for 8 hours before Grandpa was even seen and two hours later they told they couldn’t find anything wrong with him. He was told he should wait until he got home and then go and see his doctor. I was the errand lady going to get dinner and bringing my Mum Tea and Cookies at 12.30am. It was an unpleasant situation but I loved driving the car.

On Tuesday Grandpa still wasn’t feeling any better but I wanted to go to St Jacobs because I love it there so Mummy and I want to the scrap booking shop and Chocolates and More and the Christmas store. Then the heavens opened and we ran through the street in the rain.

In the evening we went to dinner with Teresa and Randall at Brian and Debbie’s house. It was nice and relaxing and we got to sit around and chat which was great.

On Wednesday we unfortunately had to take the car back and in the afternoon we headed off to Sarah and Drou’s for dinner. I’m so glad that Mum and Grandpa got to see Sarah and Drou’s house so now when I talk about it they can picture what it looks like.

Thursday was a lovely relaxing day spent at Adam and Jillian’s we sat in the back yard and chatted before we headed off to Ann and Ken’s for dinner because David was visiting from BC.

Then, hey presto, I blinked and it was Friday and time to get in the car and head off to the airport to take my wonderful family home. Their time here was too short and if we had it again we would do some things differently. I didn't get to spend nearly as much time with my Mum as I had wanted to due to varying circumstances but I’m so incredibly happy that they came and these things happen, such is the way of life. I’ll see you again in 4 months!

family, vacation, canada, visits

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