Jul 22, 2007 09:30
What are you afraid of?
It was way late and sleep was elusive, so I figured it couldn't hurt to tool around on lj for fiction to soothe the mind. Instead I found a fic where one simple line had me cutting on the tv since it's a nice subtle light source that won't keep me awake.
Then I logged in and saw this as a writer's block question and knew I had to answer. Of course, the question isn't as simple as it sounds. I'm afraid of spiders and snakes and all manner of creepy crawly. I'm afraid my family might suddenly need me when I'm miles away and can't drop everything to go to their side.
But those are realistic fears. The kind of fears that are easily solved with bug spray, avoidance, or a back up plan. The kind of fear in that fic is the surreal kind. The ones that whisper through your mind in the dead of night when the streets are too quiet and you imagination too loud. Fears you know or at the very least have been told are the stuff of childhood nightmares.
Fear of the ubiquitous boogey man lurking in some dark corner to gobble you up or trap you in that dark world that exists in a hidden corner of your mind away from all you know and hold dear. Fear of death by some unnatural means that makes the heart race no matter how much you tell yourself it's all in your head and monsters don't exist.
So, yeah. That's what scares me.
afraid of,
writer's block