Old characters......

Mar 07, 2008 22:40

Reminising about old characters:

Wren O'Donnel Fianna Ragabash Homid, put down for "Garou shall not mate with Garou", thoughhe was actually put down for disobeying his Alpha, and for not being as subtle as he could be....good death

Fury Red Talon Ahroun Lupus, died hive diving...ok death since he was a fluff character while I was VST

Bloodfang Get of Fenris Ahroun Lupus, died using Hero's Last stand and Might of Thor standing in front of a Moonbridge that a small army of Spirals were pouring out of his quote was "60 is not enough"....great death

Robert Michael Sutherland Glass Walker Philodox Homid, Died at the hands of an Elder Gangrel, but then that's what he gets for spending years as an acknowledged member of the kindred court as the Ventrue Primogen....death sucked but great story

Tundra Red Talon Ahroun Lupus, Died at the hands of the Technocracy when he was working to Rot Weaver Tech the Sun Trust building...they decided the building wasn't going to come down....ok death

Maddog Grant City Gangrel/Catiff/Brujah/Catiff, Died due to retirement......torpored, staked, and burried sealed in a concrete block dropped in an undisclosed location in the swamp....kinda shitty the way he went, but damn good story and long run.....in retro spec he was probably the most dangerous kindred in the state for awhile there.

Ulgoth Get metis Theurge, died at the hands of a Black Spiral, great character and glorious death.....changed alot of characters and players lives :)

Guiseppe Giovanni my Giovanni Ghoul, turned kindred, who went nuts and wandered off into the night, probably one of my best convention characters.....but not so great as a local game character....retired when he wasn't fun anymore

Runestone "Sinister-Lies" Get Lupus Galliard probably one of my favorite characters, because it was all about fun, and all about the pack and it's members :) ok ending

My Bone Gnawer Kinfolk for the life of me I'm having trouble getting the name out of my head.....it's on the tip of my tongue but well shit.....he wandered off into the sunset to raise a young garou cub.....great RP, probably the only time I was in tears on IRC :-p, well before Allen got so deep.

Allen "Suicide-King" Black Homid Ragabash Shadow Lord Probably my darkest and deepest roleplay experience character from heartbreak to treason, to heartbreak, the roller coaster ride was just excellent.......days worth of IRC and e-mail. Retired with the apocalypse, but one hell of a story.

off to bed....well past pumpkin time
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