Well brother showed up early from RI, where he was in training, he goes back to Japan on Thursday. I'd gone to the Orlando Game on Friday with Becky....shrug::highlight was my brother calling letting me know he'd gotten back.
So onto Saturday, went out to Sylvan Park with George, dragging my brother along, for NERO.
It was a blast. Plenty of Roleplay after getting past the akwardness of fitting in with the flow. It was pretty much 75% Roleplay 25% combat. And even then Combat is mostly by choice.....still sore from sparring with my brother for a good hour or so.
So what is NERO:
It's a High Fantasy LARP, which is pay to play, granted you get fed. And the yearly $35 membership fee, covers things like Insurance. So it's money well spent.
http://nerocentralflorida.com/index.php Is the link to the local chapters website/forum
http://nerolarp.com/index.htm Is the link to the national site
I know I'm rambling...probably cause I need to eat :-p, but to sum it up, I want to drag you all out to the game. It was better than any Cam Game since the new rules conversion, and quite a few of the ones prior.
If you check the site....the 15th of March game is moved to April, but the three day event on the 28th, 29th, 30th. Will be a blast.