I declare open session on an ANIME FRIENDING MEME. Brought on by the
Harry Potter Friending Meme by
everysingleway, when I realized that a lot of my other fandoms were Anime series.
Fill out and comment with the form below. Then pimp this meme to as many people you know.
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Name: Marie
Age: 17
Major Anime Fandom: The main one, Fullmetal Alchemist. But there's also Bleach and Naruto. :D
Likes (Characters, Ships, etc.):
In FMA: All the characters. I really can't pick, although I have a preference for Ed and Roy. I ALSO ADORE LING. And Greed. And Alfons Heiderich. I ship Roy/Ed and Hei/Ed :D
In Bleach: I adore Rukia and Ichigo. And ship them together. Hitsugaya, Keigo, Chad, Ishida and Kon are great, omg.
In Naruto: I don't really ship anything, everything's fine(although Lee/Gaara I find a bit odd). Gaara is my ultimate favorite, then come Naruto and Sasuke. And Kakashi, Iruka, Shikamaru, Kiba, Lee and Gai. Naruto has way too many characters, lmao.
Dislikes (Characters, Ships, etc.): Orihime/Ichigo, Elricest. Not difficult. :P
Fandom Contributions (Fic, Icons, Sites, Communities, RPGs, etc.): I make icons over at iconalchemy :O SHAMELESS PLUG O YA
Other Fandoms, Characters, Ships, etc.: Gravitation(Yuki/Shuichi obviously), Tsubasa RC(Kurogane/Fye, S/S), CCS (S/S), Love Hina (Keitaro/Naru), Psychometrer Eiji (Eiji/Shima), Gantz. I know there's moreeee. But those are the main ones. :D
As for non Anime/Manga: Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, ASOUE, Lost
What's In Your Journal? It depends, usually some RL, me sharing things I found. Nothing very interesting. :P
Anything Else: Hi :D
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