We shall have beds full of faint perfumes
Divans as deep as tombs,
and strange flowers on shelves,
Opened for us under more beautiful skies.
Using their last warmth in emulation
Our two hearts will be two vast torches,
Which will reflect their double lights
In our two spirits, those twin mirrors.
One evening, made of mystical rose
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I am glad you enjoyed the stories. They are sad, I know, but for me it was the only end possible. They were quite difficult to write. *laughs*
AFF is Adultfanfiction.net. May I wonder why you ask? Did I speak about it? *frowns and cannot remember*
My stuff... Good question ! You can find it in many places but it would be easier for you to check my LJ memories. I am not sure I have put everything I have written in there so I'll check.
Thanks for reviewing,
I tested the memories by logging myself out and trying to access the section. It worked, so you do not have to be a friend to see them. I don't understand why you cannot load them.
Oh and can I say how awed I am that English is not your native language? Incredible to write that well in another language. BTW, I am a fellow European - from Portugal.
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