Ho hum...

Feb 23, 2008 21:16

Been having terrible luck in the job dept. Have gone to two different jobs that I was supposed to start but was basically turned away when I got there; damn temp agencies. Haven't had any luck finding a normal job either, such is life I guess. However, it's beginning to stress me out really bad and because of this my heart has been acting worse and worse as time goes on. I have finally got to the point to where I'm scared enough to do something about it finally. Almost all physical activity, of any sort, has me scared for my life; yet I still over exert myself. :(

Now added onto all of the job and health stress, I am still dealing with the stress of finding a sense of belonging here in Washington. Sometimes, well quite often actually, I just feel that I don't even matter to a lot of the people. Insignificance is still kicking my ass. I really need to get over it and I have been trying very hard; I feel that I have made great progress with my self esteem issues. Jack handed me a book to read that he thought would do me worlds of good; surprisingly it has. The book is called, Your Erroneous Zones. I suggest this book to everyone, I love it and it has helped me deal with some of my issues. However, there is still tons of work to be done before I can feel that there really is something good about myself. The putting of others first above yourself is a hard habit to shed.

Ah well, one day at a time. Just hope my heart holds out for a long time!!
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