This Is The End, Beautiful Friend.

Mar 12, 2005 00:48

Today was just horrible. My art teacher is trying to get me to confor to the "rules" or art. Correct me if Im wrong, but art is about self expression and no holds bared creation. Rules are for conservatives, the uptight, and suck ups. Kill me. I had to ruin my sketch with a grid. I didnt draw it in the first place, which means I didnt want it their. I seriously though about how much better off everyone would be if I moved or something. I have nothing good to say, yet eveything I think that will be funny comes out of my mouth totally different than I intended. Theres danger on the edge of town. Tonight was alright, the play went smoothly, no mistakes. Afterwords, I felt like even more of an asshole towards Megan because she couldnt come to IHOP. Me, Smitty, Greg, and Selena got KFC and Smitty and Selena brought toilet paper, a douche bag, baby powder, and a many other bathroom nesscities. Selena and I got Dayron's new car, and put the douche bag on Laura's. Inspiration. Amazing.


Yes son?

I want to kill you.

Make me forget.
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