The Gates Legacy 2.5

May 25, 2013 19:00

Seth has aged into a lovely child, gaining the kleptomaniac trait!

Here he is looking pretty disgusted for some reason.

And here he is being tutored by his mom.

That day, their laptop broke, and Naomi had to call in a repair technician. As soon as he got there, she noticed him and he noticed her. But, no she thought. I am married and I will not let us be any more than friends.

The next morning, Seth went to school, and Nathan went to work, leaving Naomi by herself. She decided that it was time for her to visit her parents and siblings to see how they were doing. She wouldn't be seeing Lacey, Mary or Savannah, but she would see Leah, Autumn, Parker and two twins whom she'd never met before. She guessed they were born after she'd moved out.

Both twins take after Cristofer, and are blonde. This little girl is named Shasta.

And this is Paulette.

Oh, and Nadine's gained some weight. She's not overweight or anything, just gained some. Probably from being pregnant four times and having nine kids. I wonder how Cristofer's doing.

Is her hand in her stomach..? Oh, who cares! Nadine's gonna be a grandmother!

Paulette, what are you doing in there?

Worst-Mother-of-the-Year Award goes to Nadine! Both Paulette and Shasta were starving. I made Naomi feed them and she changed one of their diapers. Then she was going to put one of them to bed, but Leah came over and put the other in the crib before Naomi could.

When Seth got home, he begun aging up, but as this was happening, Naomi went into labor! Everything worked out fine, though. Seth gained the party animal trait, but since giving birth is not any kind of "party" (especially one he didn't want happening at home) he accompanied Naomi to the hospital.

I think that seeing one baby birth was enough for Nathan. He was over-emotional, easily disgusted and just freaked out a lot in general, so he stayed home. Way to be the man of the family, Seth!

This time, Nathan wanted a girl, but Naomi would be fine with both. She wanted a girl, but she equally wanted a boy. Nathan definitely got what he wanted, though! Naomi gave birth to three healthy baby girls named Riley, Ariana and Olivia.

Here's Naomi and Riley.

Here she is with Ariana.

And finally, with Olivia.

So that's the end of this chapter. Next time: The girls become toddlers!


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