Sep 04, 2007 12:06
I'm thinking about a year. that is to say I'm thinking bout how it's kinda funny that my years now start and end september third. So now begins a new year(...this makes my birthday so much better). Last year I got married, went on a road trip, got annoyed with being married, disappeared into the oily grind, decided being married wasn't so bad. Apparently this is a given, give or take a few personalized details. This year I'm kicking it off with a trip to ontario (duff's wedding! and so much more), implementing a plan to become independantly wealthy (relatively speaking), getting my first year post secondary started (via online), entertaining a new room mate (Ms. Courtney Lake), participating in the purchase of a condo (for investment return purposes), going on pilgrimmage in February (with all my siblings and their families), getting a wide angle lens attachment for my camera (to take cooler pictures with), learning to play the banjo (just as soon as Ryskie gets me one) and realizing that I've never been able to lay out a year like that before. So there you have it. for all of you who never know what I'm up to as much as I never know what I'm up to. Now you know, just as much as I do.