Jul 01, 2011 10:04
I think I've always had a bit of wanderlust, but going on three international trips in the past three years has really kicked it into high gear. And the older I get, the more I want to do it before I'm tied down to things like a mortgage or, heaven forbid, an immobile body. Work has conspired to keep me within my own borders this year, which has made me very, very, very itchy. To while away the time until I'm unshackled, I've been reflecting on places I've been and places I want to go.
The current Places I Want to Go list (in no particular order):
Argentina & Chile
Lithuania, Russia & Poland
The Ukraine
Iceland/Faroe Islands
New Zealand
For some reason, I've been hankering to illustrate the countries I've been to as Hetalia characters, in a chronological line, interacting with the person on either side of them, mostly because it would allow some individuals to annoy/entertain/love/hate/upset/etc. other individuals they don't normally associate with (not on a regular basis, anyway). I've actually tried to do this, but I think without some intensive art lessons for a decade or two, it's just not going to happen. Even my stick figures suck! Sigh . . . . maybe I'll try a mochi version once I recover from my artistic limitations depression. In the meantime, I just have to picture it in my mind:
America - Germany - France - Netherlands - Denmark - Norway - Austria - Slovakia - Hungary - Yugoslavia/Serbia - Bulgaria - Romania - England - Scotland - Japan
Well, it's funny and entertaining in my mind, anyway (I wanna see a drinking competition between Netherlands & Denmark!)