Jan 28, 2009 16:38
At school. Which I technically do not attend anymore but they are absolutely lovely with facilities and such, and so I'm doing a wee bit of editing and burning discs and footage for my friends. It's also just kind of fantastic to watch my footage again. I had a minor breakthrough with how I want to present everything, and the game aesthetic, so it's being inspired all over again. I think I've had enough of a break from it to be able to actually see it, without remembering the exhaustion and imperfection and idealised image of what it should be like-- all very healthy and useful, really. Of course, once I start cutting it again it will be an entirely different matter. Practicality is so tedious, dahlings, etc. Also showed it to my lead actress and packed her off with footage for her showreel and she seems very pleased with how it looks/has turned out, which is always a plus. Step one) stop being such a neurotic control freak. Yes.
Watched Fellini's 8 1/2 yesterday with the Parents (after 3 episodes of The West Wing, which I've gotten them addicted to-- we're only on Season 2 at the moment, so it's just hi-larious when my parents come up to me afterwards, desperation in their eyes, and ask: so, what's going on with Josh and Donna? Do they ever--? Oh your poor sweet dears. You have years of frustration yet! Also, they now get all my walk and talk jokes. Weirrrd.) But. Fellini. I really do recommend it. The whole movie is this associative dream-- with a camera that makes no distinction between memory and 'reality' and imagination. The short description sounds very pretentious and up its own arse, but it's done with a lght touch, not at all puffed up or trying too hard, almost sheepishly postmodern.
The disks have been burned, which means only one thing: pub time.