Aug 26, 2004 19:22
What the hell is up with the bitching the days ...everyone bitching....shut the fuck up...only i can bitch. fuck eveyone beautiful and hot.....including myself if you think it of me .....fuck sluts, hoes, gangbangers, and ex girlfriends ! Fuck people who try to be what they're not and everyone that considers them selves hot . fuck kisses cause they only lead you on and fuck sex cause it feels really good. fuck liers, cheaters, decievers, and believers. fuck everyone and anyone who knows me cause you all suck and bring no joy to my life ( xept a few of you ) fuck the guitar cause it's such a bitch to master.THANK GOD FOR UNDEROATH AND DONNIE DARKO! ...they make me realize whats really important..myself and none of you fuck you all bitches hoes, liers what ever you may be cause the only person i can really ever care about
p.s.- if u really care about how i feel listen to the song im listening to and read the lyrics with intent