Feb 18, 2009 20:24

DMZ is for Donetsk Metallurgical Plant (the word plant is zavod in russian).
Its huge pipes are visible there proping the sky. And this is the place from where the entire city of Donetsk was born.

John Hughes, a british (actually a Welsh) businessman acquired this piece of land at 1869. Then this was the Russian Empire territory situated not far from to the north of the Azov Sea. The place was very rich of a coal and perfectly suited the purpose of building steel industry. All works started immediately.

The small town was called Yuzovka after its founder (locals spelled surname Hughes as Yuz). The factory and surroundings grew quickly. By the end of the nineteenth century, the Hughes plant was the largest in the Russian Empire.

John Hughes died at 1889 and his sons took his place. The expansion continued during the First World War when world demand of a steel raised dramatically. But at 1917 the revolution happend. The plant was nationalized. Hughes sons and almost all of their foreign employees left the country.

After few years at 1924 the city was renamed to Stalino after Joseph Stalin (authoritarian leader of the USSR since). At the 1961 the city got his modern name Donetsk after the largest river in the region Seversky Donets (the city is situated on the banks of small river Kalmius).

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