Title The Naughty Nap
jelazakazoneRating NC-17
Pairing Arthur/Merlin
Word Count 1,500
Warnings None, unless you count pure smut as a warning.
Summary After a long morning, Arthur just wants to take a nap. Merlin makes it...hard.
A/N This was written for
ella_bane, because she is awesome.
venivincere wrote a little extra to this featuring George. And the sheets
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It wouldn't be so bad, perhaps, if he weren't suffering from such an extreme case of jealousy, which only rampaged completely out of control when he found that he would need to make an extra trip to the laundry after each and every nap time. Really, it was shameless what that trumped up servant of a sorcerer got up to in that bed with His Majesty. Wasn't that what a good manservant was for? To take care of his master in every way? Merlin was no longer His Majesty's manservant, but he'd been so bad at it anyway, that really, it didn't surprise George one bit that this was something else Merlin failed to understand about his position.
After one particularly hot mid-day, George entered the King's chambers just as he and Merlin were leaving for the afternoon audience to find that the sheets were in the worst state yet. He set about removing them from the bed, sweat trickling down his neck, when he realised the sheets were quite cool and dry to the touch. At least, in the places where there wasn't... yes, well. And the breeze coming across the bed was cool, almost sharply brisk. He felt it blow over the back of his neck as he stretched over the bed to pull the sheets loose, and it was so blissfully cooling and delightful that he let himself flop, face forward, onto the bed. Just a little bit. He'd rest there, let himself cool off just a bit, then he would finish his chores.
Of course, falling flat on his face on the bed made him distinctly aware, with his first breath, why that was a colossally bad decision. The yeasty, musky smells of sex assaulted his senses, and it wasn't very long at all before he was hard and writhing. And yes, he was probably going to hell, or at the very least the dungeons if he were to be caught, but he pulled his trousers off anyway and proceeded to take advantage of the King's dirty sheets as though he were born to it. It wasn't very long after that, as he lay panting and gasping in the aftermath, his sweaty arse blissfully exposed to the cooling breeze, that the Court Sorcerer barged in without as much as a by-your-leave. George sprung up from the bed, pulling the sheets with him, and hastily retied his trousers. "Dratted knot, this time you'll stay tied!" he muttered at his trouser laces, shooting a quick glance at Merlin, who stared at him with one eyebrow raised, just like Gaius did when George went to him after the incident with the polish and the handle of Sir Percival's mace.
"Uh... right then," said Merlin. "I'll just..." Merlin pointed at some parchment rolls and made for Arthur's desk. When he left, all the cool air leeched out of the room after him.
"So, Arthur, how is George working out for you?" asked Merlin, a couple days later.
"Fine," said Arthur. "Boring, but fine. He seems to take particular care in keeping clean sheets on the bed. Every morning and evening. I don't know what that's all about."
Merlin stifled a laugh. "I haven't a clue either, Sire."
I just linked to it at the top of the story so people can see it. Feel free to post it elsewhere if you wish as well. It was brilliant, and people should see it...
Also...polish and Percival's mace handle?!
Really George? Really?!
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