Who came up with the whole one-true-love theory? They should be shot. There is no such thing as soul mates, so stop looking.
Live for the moment, I guess.
*.:me, will, katie, cole:.* at stone tower
so a couple of weeks ago, me and 5 of my closest friends went camping at allaganey state park. we had.....the best time. ever. there are things that happened on this trip that i will never forget.
so i relized i wanted to try to get on the real world and party it up and stuff, but then i got depressed because i relized i'm not interesting. So thats out.
him....it's something to look forward to . . . or something to be v e r y afraid of.
God, i'm so tired. i just got home frm class..which by the way..is boring x 856.
i don't even know what im doing here..its so pointless.