Member Cuts

Jan 10, 2012 15:15

If you can't see this post, you were cut from the community. This included anyone who didn't answer the poll or who told me they didn't want to stay. If you didn't answer the poll, but want to stay, just let me know and I'll resend invites. If you wanted to switch teams, you should have invites to your new team comms, as well ( Read more... )

members cut, !mod

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heartundone January 12 2012, 18:38:29 UTC
Actually .... I can see that and I shouldn't be able to! Stop tempting me to stick around! :)


digitaldesigner January 12 2012, 18:43:04 UTC
It's part of my evil plan to make you stay. :P

Okay, really, it's the fact that apparently LJ won't let me cut people when I thought I could.


heartundone January 12 2012, 19:01:27 UTC
It almost worked.


digitaldesigner January 12 2012, 19:25:00 UTC
Damn! Must try harder! :D


kimmyziva January 13 2012, 13:38:50 UTC
Try harder Aimee!!!! But yeah, LJ is being crappy. I'm trying to delete people from fringeverse but it won't let me!


digitaldesigner January 13 2012, 16:40:56 UTC
:D Yeah, I can't cut them from either here or whedonland and I suspect I'd have the same problem at fandomverse if I were to try. Luckily, I can remove them from team comms. It's very annoying!


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