Welcome to week #02 of the Winter/Spring Term here
Becca and Susan need more votes!
Remember that for every person you recruit you will receive 3 points towards your house and an additional 5 points for everyone that you sort. Also the house who recruits the most people will be rewarded an additional 50 points at the end of the term.
Active Classes currently offered:
ch_astronomy -Astronomy taught by iknowthyself
ch_herbology-Herbology taught by cyn_ful
chmythology -Mythology taught by iknowthyself
ch_runes-Ancient Runes taught by tmkline
Interested in teaching a class?
Applications for faculty positions are open all term and all year long
The contests will be up this weekend hopefully after my midterms and this English paper of mine are due at the end of the week.
The Suggestion Box is always open! Please leave us your suggestions, thoughts, comments, and more, and you can earn points for your house!