"What if Dumbledore hadn't defeated Grindelwald?" question provided by
tmkline As always, you will be awarded 10 points for your initial response to the above question. You will then be awarded an additional 3 points for every reply you make to others' opinions. If you are replying to comments people have made on your own topic, you will still earn 3 points. We love reading what you have to say and well-written, insightful responses may earn bonus marks. Don't forget to add your name and house at the bottom of each comments so we can award you your points! If you forget, simply edit them in to your comment before others reply to it. However, if we catch you changing your response to make others appear stupid, you will be deducted points.
The headmistress and I hadn't realized how popular the "What If?" segments are! Now that we know how much you like them, we've decided not to discontinue them after all. Hope you enjoy!
You have until Wednesday, October 29th, 11:59pm MDT.
Lanna | Deputy Headmistress